• 06:37 AM, 23 May, 2019

Good wines, real people and epic deals!

(Singapore May 23, 2019) VINOMOFO is looking to disrupt the Singapore wine scene by “cutting out the middleman” to provide top quality wines at affordable prices. Thus, they will offer a much better wine for the same dollar spend per bottle than current wine retailers in Singapore.

Justin Dry, CEO and Co-founder (pictured left with Michael Parameter right) of the Australian based company was a young wine nerd with “wine in his blood and DNA” having grown up with it. He studied wine at university, he searched out boutique wineries and his grandfather owned one of the oldest vineyards in the Barossa Valley.

He explained at a lunch at COMO Cuisine Restaurant in Dempsey Hill  that VINOMOFO’s strategy is to “Only sell wines that they themselves love to drink”, to buy these wines directly from the producer and sell directly to their 600,000 “MOFO tribe members” via their website and to deliver them to the customer within 24 hours from local stock.

Their eight-member tasting team is very selective and tastes thousands of wines, but only 5% make the cut. VINOMOFO offers approximately 200 wines for sale, comprising 50% Australian wines, 10% New Zealand and the remainder from Europe and Latin America.

The lunch provided the opportunity to meet the new GM for Singapore and to pair some of the wines with excellent COMO Cuisine food. The Schwarz Nitchske Block Shiraz 2017 (S$55.00) and Ninth Island Riesling 2018 (S$29.90) were particularly memorable wines.

VINOMOFO is beefing up their presence in Singapore and have hired Michael Parameter, a wine guru from Australia, as GM of VINOMOFO Singapore to market their wines via promotional events and social media. The target market being both expats and wine appreciating Singaporeans.

VINOMOFO has partnered with Empathy Wines, the new project of media mogul Gary Vaynerchuk (pictured left) aka GaryVee. Empathy Wines aim to connect everyone with wines they’ll love, at a price that works for both the makers and drinkers.

To help get the marketing campaign off to a great start we were introduced to the excellent salmon pink Empathy Rosé 2018 a bold and juicy blend of seven Californian grapes including grenache, syrah and pinot noir. The acidity makes it very refreshing. Priced at S$35.00 per bottle it is likely to be very successful and best paired with seafood, light pastas and salads or simply drunk on its own.

VINOMOFO’s philosophy is that there should be no intimidation, no bow ties and no BS concerning wine. They provide a value proposition and want you to remember the experience of drinking wine with family and friends. In the rare event you do not like your purchase you can return it under their “100% happy” concept and if you want more education check out the vinofiles stories on the website.

For the record a few glasses each of the following wines were enjoyed by those present.

Wines can be ordered from –


ORDER HERE: : Or go to Amazon: The Orange Sofa: Unicorn Eyes: Walking Home: Singapore Circuit Breaker  or Zero Visibility - US$9.00 on line

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