Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months

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The pilot program will see Absolut Vodka, followed by Beefeater London Dry Gin, and Havana Club Rum delivered in ecoSPIRITS’ award-winning closed loop technology to a target of 30 bars in Singapore.

Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
Pernod Ricard and ecoSPIRITS launch closed-loop distribution pilot in Singapore, eliminating more than 60% of carbon emissions and 95% of packaging waste in the first six months
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